Ahmed DA, Sousa R, Bortolus A, Aldemir C, Angeli NF, Błońska D, Briski E, Britton JR, Cano-Barbacil C, Clark-Ginsberg A, Culic I, Cuthbert RN, Dick J, Dimarco RD, Essl F, Everts T, Garcķa-Berthou E, Hauer M, Kouba A, Kourantidou M, Kutschera U, Mammola S, Martķn-Forés I, Morissette O, Nuńez MA, Olden JD, Pārvulescu L, Perg J, Renault D, Rico-Sįnchez AE, Russell JC, Soto I, Tarkan AS, Uysal TU, Verreycken H, Vilizzi L, Wasserman R, Wehi P, Haubrock PJ
Parallels and discrepancies between non-native species introductions
and human migration.
Biological Reviews
Įcs AR, Ion MC, Miok K, Laza AV, Pitic
A, Robnik-Šikonja M, Pārvulescu L (2025)
Threats assessment of the endemic Idle Crayfish (Austropotamobius
bihariensis Pārvulescu, 2019): Lessons from long-term
monitoring. Aquatic Conservation:
Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 35, e70033
Ion MC, Bloomer
CC, Bărăscu TI, Oficialdegui FJ, Shoobs NF, Williams BW, Scheers K,
Clavero M, Grandjean F, Collas M, Baudry T, Loughman Z, Wright JJ,
Ruokonen TJ, Chucholl C, Guareschi S, Koese B, Banyai ZM, Hodson J,
Hurt M, Kaldre K, Liptįk B, Fetzner JW, Cancellario T, Weiperth A,
Birzaks J, Trichkova T, Todorov M, Balalaikins M, Griffin B, Petko
ON, Acevedo-Alonso A, D'Elķa G, Śliwińska K, Alekhnovich A, Choong
H, South J, Whiterod N, Zorić K, Haase P, Soto I, Brady DJ, Haubrock
PJ, Torres PJ, Șadrin D, Vlach P, Kaya C, Jung SW, Kim J-Y,
Vermeersch XHC, Bonk M, Guiaşu R, Harlioğlu MM, Devlin J, Kurtul I,
Błońska D, Boets, Masigol H, Cabe PR, Jussila J, Vrålstad T,
Beresford DV, Reid SM, Patoka J, Strand DA, Tarkan AS, Steen F,
Abeel T, Harwood M, Auer S, Kelly S, Giantsis IA, Maciaszek R,
Alvanou MV, Aksu Ö, Hayes DM, Kawai T, Tricarico E, Chakandinakira
A, Barnett ZC, Kudor ȘG, Beda AE, Vīlcea L, Mizeranschi AE, Neagul
M, Licz A, Cotoarbă AD, Petrusek A, Kouba A, Taylor CA, Pārvulescu L
(2024) World of Crayfish™: A web platform
towards real-time global mapping of freshwater crayfish and their
pathogens. PeerJ 12: e18229
Bonassin L, Pārvulescu L, Boštjančić
LL, Francesconi C, Paetsch J, Rutz C, Lecompte O, Theissinger K
Genomic insights into the conservation status of the Idle Crayfish
Austropotamobius bihariensis Pārvulescu, 2019: Low genetic
diversity in the endemic crayfish species of the Apuseni Mountains.
BMC Ecology and Evolution 24, 78
Ion MC, Įcs AR, Laza AV,
Lorincz I, Livadariu D, Lamoly AM, Goia B, Togor A, Iorgu EI, Ștefan
A, Popa OP, Pārvulescu L (2024)
Conservation status of the idle crayfish Austropotamobius
bihariensis Pārvulescu, 2019. Global Ecology and Conservation
50, e02847
Neculae A, Barnett ZC,
Miok K, Dalosto MM, Kuklina I, Kawai T, Santos S, Furse JM, Sīrbu OI,
Stoeckel J,
Pārvulescu L
Living on the edge: Crayfish as drivers to anoxification of their
own shelter microenvironment. PLoS ONE 19,
Satmari A, Miok K, Ion MC, Zaharia C,
Schrimpf A, Pārvulescu L (2023)
Headwater refuges: Flow protects Austropotamobius crayfish
from Faxonius limosus invasion. NeoBiota 89:
Masigol H, van West P,
Taheri SR, Grandes JMF, Pārvulescu L, McLaggan D,
Bliss TT, Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa R, Grossart HP, Pourmaghadam MJ (2023)
Advancements, deficiencies, and future necessities of studying
Saprolegniales: a semiquantitative review of 1073 published
papers. Fungal Biology Reviews 46, 100319
Francesconi C, Pīrvu
M, Schrimpf A, Schulz R, Pārvulescu L, Theissinger K(2021)
Mating strategies of invasive versus indigenous crayfish: Multiple
paternity as a driver for invasion success?. Freshwater Crayfish
26: 89–98
Dornik A, Ion MC,
Chețan MA, Pārvulescu L(2021)
Soil-related predictors for distribution modelling of four European
crayfish species. Water 13: 2280
Pārvulescu L,
Stoia DI, Miok K, Ion MC, Puha AE, Sterie M, Vereș M, Marcu I,
Muntean MD, Aburel OM (2021)
Force and boldness: Cumulative assets of a successful crayfish
invader. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 581247
Maiakovska O,
Andriantsoa R, Tönges S, Legrand C, Gutekunst J, Hanna K, Pārvulescu
L, Novitsky R, Weiperth A, Sciberras A, Deidun A, Ercoli F, Kouba A,
Lyko F (2021)
Genome analysis of the monoclonal marbled crayfish reveals genetic
separation over a short evolutionary timescale. Communications Biology
4, 74
Pārvulescu L,
Iorgu EI, Zaharia C, Ion MC, Satmari A, Krapal AM, Popa OP, Miok K, Petrescu I, Popa LO
The future of endangered crayfish in light of protected areas
and habitat fragmentation. Scientific
Reports 10, 14870
Ungureanu E,
Mojžišovį M, Tangerman M, Ion MC, Pārvulescu L, Petrusek A (2020)
The spatial distribution of Aphanomyces astaci genotypes
across Europe: introducing the first data from Ukraine.
Freshwater Crayfish 25: 77–87
Pacioglu O,
Strungaru SA, Ianovici N, Filimon MN, Sinitean A, Iacob G, Barabas
H, Acs A, Muntean H, Plavan GI, Schulz R, Zubrod J, Pārvulescu L
Ecophysiological and life-history adaptations of Gammarus
balcanicus (Schäferna, 1922) in a sinking-cave stream from
Western Carpathians (Romania). Zoology 139: 125754
Ion MC, Puha
AE, Suciu T, Pārvulescu L (2020)
Get a grip: unusual disturbances drive crayfish to improvise. Behaviour 157:
Pacioglu O,
Theissinger K, Alexa A, Samoilă C, Sīrbu OI, Schrimpf A, Zubrod JP,
Schulz R, Pīrvu M, Lele SF, Jones JI, Pārvulescu L (2020)
Multifaceted implications of the competition between native and invasive crayfish: a glimmer of hope for the native’s long-term survival. Biological Invasions
22: 827–842
Pacioglu O,
Ianovici N, Filimon MN, Sinitean A, Iacob G, Barabaș H, Pahomi A,
Acs A, Muntean H, Pārvulescu L
The multifaceted effects induced by floods on the macroinvertebrate
communities inhabiting a sinking cave stream. International Journal of Speleology
48: 167–177
Pacioglu O,
Zubrod JP,
Schulz R, Jones JI, Pārvulescu L
Two is better than one: combining gut content and stable isotope
analyses to infer the diet and trophic interactions of a native and
an invasive crayfish species. Hydrobiologia
839: 25–35
Pārvulescu L
Introducing a new Austropotamobius crayfish species (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacidae):
A Miocene endemism of the Apuseni Mountains,
Romania. Zoologischer Anzeiger 279: 94–102
Șandric I, Satmari A, Zaharia C, Petrovici M, Cīmpean M, Battes KP, David DC,
Pacioglu O, Weiperth A, Gįl B, Pīrvu M, Muntean H, Neagul M, Spătaru A,
Toma CG, Pārvulescu L
(2019) Integrating catchment land cover data to
remotely assess freshwater quality: A step forward in heterogeneity
analysis of river networks. Aquatic Sciences 81:26
Pārvulescu L,
Pérez-Moreno JL, Panaiotu C, Drăguț L, Schrimpf A, Popovici ID,
Zaharia C, Weiperth A, Gįl B, Schubart CD, Bracken-Grissom H (2019)
A journey on plate tectonics sheds light on European crayfish
phylogeography. Ecology and Evolution 9: 1957–1971
Panteleit J,
Keller NS, Diéguez-Uribeondo J, Makkonen J, Martķn-Torrijos L,
Patrulea V, Pīrvu M, Preda C, Schrimpf A, Pārvulescu L (2018)
Hidden sites in the distribution of the crayfish plague pathogen
Aphanomyces astaci in Eastern Europe: Relicts of genetic groups
from older outbreaks?. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 157:
Pārvulescu L,
Togor A, Lele SF, Scheu S, Șinca D, Panteleit J(2017)
First established population of marbled crayfish Procambarus
fallax (Hagen, 1870) f. virginalis (Decapoda, Cambaridae)
in Romania. BioInvasions Records 6: 357–362
Lele SF, Pārvulescu L(2017) Experimental evidence of the successful invader
Orconectes limosus
outcompeting the native Astacus leptodactylus in acquiring shelter
and food. Biologia 72: 877–885
Pacioglu O, Pārvulescu L(2017) The chalk hyporheic zone: a true ecotone?.
Hydrobiologia 790: 1–12
Pārvulescu L,
Zaharia C, Groza MI, Csillik O, Satmari A, Drăguț L(2016) Flash-flood potential: a proxy for crayfish
habitat stability. Ecohydrology 9: 1507–1516
Pārvulescu L,
Pīrvu M, Moroșan LG, Zaharia C(2015)
Plasticity in fecundity highlights the females’ importance in the spiny-cheek crayfish invasion mechanism.
Zoology 118: 424–432
Pīrvu M, Zaharia C, Satmari A, Pārvulescu L(2015)
Spatial ecology of Hydropsyche incognita (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae) in the Carpathians.
European Journal of Entomology 112 106–113
Copilaș-Ciocianu D, Grabowski M, Pārvulescu L, Petrusek A(2014)
Zoogeography of epigean freshwater Amphipoda (Crustacea) in Romania:
fragmented distributions and wide altitudinal variability. Zootaxa
Schrimpf A, Theissinger K, Dahlem J, Maguire I, Pārvulescu L, Schulz HK, Schulz R(2014) Phylogeography of noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) reveals multiple refugia. Freshwater
Biology 59: 761–776
Pārvulescu L, Zaharia C(2014)
Distribution and ecological preferences of noble crayfish in the
Carpathian Danube basin: biogeographical insights into the species history.
Hydrobiologia 726: 53–63
Pārvulescu L, Zaharia C, Satmari A, Drăguț L(2013) Is the distribution pattern of the stone crayfish in
the Carpathians related to karstic refugia from Pleistocene
glaciations?. Freshwater Science 32: 1410–1419
Pārvulescu L, Zaharia C(2013) Current limitations of the stone crayfish
distribution in Romania: Implications for its conservation status.
Limnologica 43:
Schrimpf A, Pārvulescu L, Copilaș-Ciocianu D, Petrusek A, Schulz R(2012)
Crayfish plague pathogen detected in the Danube Delta – a potential threat to
freshwater biodiversity in southeastern Europe. Aquatic Invasions 7:
Pārvulescu L, Schrimpf A, Kozubķkovį E, Cabanillas Resino S, Vrålstad T, Petrusek A, Schulz R(2012)
Invasive crayfish and crayfish plague on the move: first detection
of the plague agent
Aphanomyces astaci in the Romanian Danube. Diseases of
Aquatic Organisms 98: 85–94
Schrimpf A, Schulz HK, Theissinger K, Pārvulescu L, Schulz R(2011)
The first large-scale genetic analysis of the vulnerable noble
Astacus astacus reveals low haplotype diversity of Central
European populations. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic
Ecosystems 401, 35
Pārvulescu L, Pacioglu O, Hamchevici C(2011)
The assessment of the habitat and water quality requirements of the
stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium) and noble
crayfish (Astacus astacus) species in the rivers from the
Anina Mountains (SW Romania). Knowledge and Management of Aquatic
Ecosystems 401, 03
Pārvulescu L, Hamchevici C
The relation between water quality and the distribution of
Gammarus balcanicus Schaferna 1922 (Amphipoda: Gammaridae) in
the Anina Mountains.
Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 5(2):
Pārvulescu L, Paloș C, Molnar P
First record of the spiny-cheek crayfish
Orconectes limosus (Rafinesque, 1817) (Crustacea: Decapoda:
Cambaridae) in Romania.
North-Western Journal of Zoology 5: 424–428
Pārvulescu L, Livadariu D, Chețan MA,
Mizeranschi AE, Lamoly AM, Ion MC, Neacă A-M, Mészįros MS, Mocioacă
E, Satmari A, Panaiotu C, Clavero M, Palcu DV
Consistency and discrepancies in the puzzle of Austropotamobius
crayfish evolution. iScience